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My Favorite Things, Part 2

By Chris Howard | May 12, 2009

This is part two of favorite customer service tools. I won’t be very popular for this next one, but no matter how much you hate it, the phone rules when it comes to customer service.

#2 The phone.

The phone is one of the most underutilized tools for customer service today. Companies have gotten so used to things being impersonal that if you make just a little bit of an effort, you will be miles above the rest out there.

For instance, when someone buys a package from Internet Marketing Millionaire Armand Morin, they get a phone call from his customer service department to confirm that they got their log in information as well as information on how to get customer service on the package.

How hard would it be to pick a day of the week and make a decision that you or someone in your organization will call 10 customers just to say hi. Think about it, six times out of 10, you’re going to get voicemail anyway, but you will get big brownie points with the client.

Just call and say hello and see how they are doing with the product or service they purchased, see if there is any way you can get them to consume what they purchased. You could also use this time to tell them to be on the lookout for an email about an upcoming product or service.

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